Furry animals gay sex manga

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I ended up reverting the notes from the first commenter, which had been added to the introductory paragraph, because I didn't feel they were NPOV, and I thought my paragraph explained the issue but I don't think a mention in the intro paragraph would be inappropriate.

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I'm sure there's enough material that an entire page about Furry Sexuality could be written, but I'm not the one who could write it. The article as a whole is fairly unstructured at the moment. I was mostly writing from discussion with friends and from your (Schnee's) comments feel free to edit/replace mercilessly. Schnee 22:17, (UTC) I noticed that the first commenter had made a few notes in the article, and I decided it would be good to expand to its own paragraph. It's particularly true as far as sexuality goes, too it's definitely a hot topic, with some focussing on it entirely and others claiming it has no place in furrydom at all and should be purged. Creidieki 21:19, (UTC) I can try to write up something some time, but the problem really is that furrydom is so diverse it's hard at best to come up with a single statement that everybody can agree on.

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If you feel you know enough about Furry culture to write something reasonable about it, you're certainly welcome to ^_^ I'm afraid for myself that I don't know much about it. Why does this page totally avoid the sexual aspect?

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